Get Out While You Can - Escape The Rat Race Website
Plan A. Work hard at school, secure a good job, set your sights on promotion, climb the corporate ladder, live happily ever after.

Reality check for Plan A. Work longer and longer hours just to make ends meet, being condemned to a life of wage slavery, drowning in sea of debt, the poverty of mind and spirit, existing to work.

Plan B. A simple yet revolutionary idea. Get out while you can.
The book your boss doesn't want you to read
"Do not believe anything in this book - do the opposite and go for Plan A -
study hard, get a good job with good wage, and earn a salary every month
from a review of Get Out While You Can posted on

Get Out While You Can is a 440 page paperback book that is also available in Kindle format. It shows you exactly how to:

• work less hours

• work the hours you choose

• earn more money

• doing whatever it is you want to do with your time

• starting in your spare time with less than £50

• all from the comfort of your home (and your home can be wherever in the world you want it to be!)

But the truth is you will probably never read it. Sad, but true. In fact, most people who visit this website will never buy the book.

It's strange because, to a man and woman, they will tell you that they are desperate to escape the rat race and a lifetime of wage slavery, but guess what they will be doing until the day finally comes when they can draw their state pension?

It's because Karl Marx got it wrong. Religion isn't the opiate of the masses. Work is and it has been for centuries.

We live in a society based on wage slavery. Every day millions of people go to work as wage slaves.

Why they do this isn't as obvious as you might think. They do so not to earn money. They do so because that is what is expected of them.

From the day we are born we are sold the lie that is Plan A. Work hard at school, secure a good job, set your sights on promotion, climb the corporate ladder, live happily ever after.

The problem being very few of us do live happily ever after. For far too many people the reality of Plan A is this. Working longer and longer hours just to make ends meet, condemned to a life of wage slavery, drowning in sea of debt, poverty of mind and spirit, existing merely to work.

Plan A didn't even work for most people during the so-called good times. With the current economic problems we face, and the far bigger ones ahead (an ageing population, peak oil, climate change, the looming pension crisis to name but a few), it's more vital than ever that you at least consider alternatives to "earning a living".

Internet entrepreneur, George Marshall, thinks work is a four letter word.

He thinks we are all mad to spend 40 or more hours every week for 40 or more years of our lives "earning a living". Especially when you don't have to.

In our frantic bid to earn enough money, we don't realise that in return for a wage packet, we trade our most valuable possession. Our time. The big mistake we make is to sell our time by the hour.

Instead we should be doing what movie stars do. Do an hour's work and then allow that hour's work to make us money for days, weeks, months, years even, to come.

We can't all be movie stars unfortunately, but thanks to the information age, anyone who can turn on a computer can put their time to work for them just like those movie stars do.

George Marshall has spent the last six years excavating an escape tunnel that leads directly away from the rat race. He calls it Plan B and he thinks it's an escape route you might want to explore for yourself.

It won't bring the wage slave society crashing down, but for tens of thousands of people just like you, it may just provide the blueprint for the life of endless possibility that you were born to lead.

Plan B is a simple yet revolutionary idea. And it's this.

Get out while you can.

But as I say, you will probably never read George Marshall's book. The web stats for this website show that for every thousand visitors this website attracts, maybe a dozen or so will buy it. That's all.

Here's where we would normally give you the opportunity to buck the trend by providing a link for you to buy Get Out While You Can. But what's the point when most people never click it?

Instead, we are going to offer you a choice.
Life is all about choices. So here's a choice for you. Hours stuck in traffic on the way home from work or a leisurely stroll along a tropical beach? Your choice. You decide. Click on the picture you choose.

Coming soon


George's second book, Why Do Only Fools And Horses Work?, which will be published by Geronimo Books in March 2013.

Why Do Only Fools And Horses Work?

To be told among the first to know when the book is available, email [email protected] and put "Fools And Horses book" in the subject.
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